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WP1-25 Improving neurological examination in acute admission: the INSPECT method
  1. M Islam
  1. Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester, UK


Objectives Clerking proforma in the trust includes a detailed neurology examination which is mandatory to fill up according to the trust guideline. Incomplete neurological examination at the time of admission significantly increases length of hospital stay and hamper the overall prognosis.

Design A retrospective study was conducted for 2 weeks on 60 patients clerked in AMU. A general survey was conducted among 26 doctors to detect the possible reasons and suggestions.To ensure every patient gets a quick and accurate neurological examination during clerking, we suggested a new mnemonic method called ‘INSPECT’: I – Inspection ( GCS, GAIT), N- Neck Rigidity, S –Speech, sensory P- Pupil E- Eye movement, C –Cerebellar and Cranial Nerves, T- (Tone, Power, Reflexes).

Results The primary audit revealed that the neurology proforma completed in 18.3% notes, Partially completed – 43.2% Not completed – 38.5% and frequently missed examinations were Cranial Nerve examination: 68.3%, Sensory: 56.2% Cerebellar: 42.1%, Motor power: 21% Doctor’s survey revealed reasons behind examinations not being carried out: Time consuming: 46.1%, Not relevant: 23.07%. Not enough training 15.38%.

Conclusions Results showed that only 18.3% patients had complete neurological examination, mostly missed cranial nerves examination ( 68.3% ) Survey suggested time constraint is a major issue ( 46.1% ) and quicker assessment and concise proforma will help. The suggested method will be re-audited in 3 months time.

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