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180 NeuroHealth designing a well-being app for people with neuroscience conditions using co-production principles
  1. Rachel King1,
  2. Kit Wu1,
  3. Chris Symeon2,
  4. Sharon Wellington3,
  5. Karen Larcombe3,
  6. Mike Dilley1
  1. 1King’s College Hospital
  2. 2St George’s University Hospital
  3. 3King’s Health Partners


Introduction The Neurological Alliance Patient Experience Survey 2019/2020 has highlighted the delay to access of neurological care, infrequent monitoring by specialists and a wide regional variation in referral to support services for chronic disease management in patients with neurological diagnosis.

Aim To design a patient-held wellbeing app to support longitudinal symptom monitoring and provide signposting of support services for patients.

Methods The project is led by the South London Neurosciences network, co-designed with its patient advisory group, King’s Health Partners and a medical technology firm (BMI Inc). Together, we identified key attributes which were beneficial to symptom monitoring. The app went through four cycles of devel- opment, and has been launched for public use.

Results The NeuroHealth app consists of 4 key sections: mood, sleep, diet and exercise, identified by the patient group as beneficial for daily symptom monitoring. Each section uses illustrations and can be customised to individual needs. Such longitudinal recordings can be shared with health professionals and may help improve joint decision-making.

Summary NeuroHealth app is a co-designed and freely available digital resource which can benefit chronic condition monitoring and self-management.

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