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T-cell response following COVID booster vaccination in seronegative people with multiple sclerosis
  1. Emma Tallantyre1,
  2. Nicola Vickaryous2,
  3. Aidan Richards1,
  4. Francesca Rios2,
  5. Katila George2,
  6. Martin Scurr1,
  7. Andrew Godkin1,
  8. Samantha Loveless1,
  9. Ruth Dobson2,
  10. et al,
  11. on behalf of UK COVID-MS study group3
  1. 1Cardiff University
  2. 2Queen Mary University of London
  3. 3All co-authors to be listed at presentation


Background Attenuated vaccine response is a concern in people receiving immunosuppression. It is unclear whether booster vaccinations improve immunity in this context.

Methods T-cell and antibody responses to Sars-COV-2 RBD (spike protein) were measured following third COVID-19 vaccine (v3) in people with MS who were IgG seronegative after vaccines 1&2.

Results 41 people with MS (30:11 female:male; mean age 45.6 years) were included; 28 receiving ocreli- zumab and 6 fingolimod, the remainder were on other immunosuppressants. Samples were taken 4-8 weeks following v3. Anti-RBD seroconversion after v3 occurred in 10/28 (36%) on ocrelizumab and 5/6 (83%) on fingolimod. T-cell responses were detected in 24/28 (86%) treated with ocrelizumab and 0/6 (0%) treated with fingolimod. All those with T-cell responses had seroconverted. There was an association between evidence of previous infection and seroconversion (p=0.0025), but not T-cell response to vaccination following v3 (Fisher’s exact p=0.2). Four patients (all on ocrelizumab) had experienced confirmed COVID since March 2020; 2 were admitted to hospital.

Conclusions Seroconversion occurs in a proportion of seronegative people following COVID-19 vaccine dose 3. T-cell response is frequently seen despite the lack of humoral immunity. The clinical correlates of antibody and T cell responses to COVID-19 remain to be established.

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