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Repetitive asystole in right insular hemorrhage
  1. Marek Sykora (marek.sykora{at}
  1. University Heidelberg, Dept. of Neurology, Germany
    1. Jennifer Diedler (jennifer.diedler{at}
    1. University Heidelberg, Dept. of Neurology, Germany
      1. Thorsten Steiner (thorsten.steiner{at}
      1. University Heidelberg, Dept. of Neurology, Germany


        There is abundant evidence for insular involvement in cardiovascular regulation. Both right and left insular lesions have been proposed to cause heart autonomic derangements. We report a case of right insular hemorrhage which was associated with repetitive asystole, changes in ST-segment and elevation of TnT level. To our knowledge a case of asystole in a patient with right insular hemorrhage has not yet been reported. Based on our observations and review of the literature the putative pathophysiological mechanism is discussed.

        • asystole
        • intracerebral hemorrhage
        • right insula

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