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Antimyelin antibody in multiple sclerosis: no change during immunosuppression
  1. L. D. Wilkerson,
  2. R. P. Lisak,
  3. B. Zweiman,
  4. D. H. Silberberg
  1. Department of Neurology, Allergy and Immunology Section, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Pennsylvania, USA
  2. Department of Medicine, Allergy and Immunology Section, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Pennsylvania, USA
  3. The Multiple Sclerosis Research Center of the University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, USA
  4. Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


    We studied retrospectively levels of antimyelin antibody in a group of 13 multiple sclerosis patients who underwent a clinical trial of long-term, high dose (2.0-4.5 mg/kg/day) azathiaprine therapy. In apparent contrast with collagen vascular disease associated with antitissue antibody, azathiaprine therapy was not associated with significant change in titres of antimyelin antibody. Variation of titre of antimyelin antibody in apparent association with disease activity continued during therapy. No significant changes occurred in levels of serum immunoglobulins.

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