
642 e-Letters

  • Reply to “The eye of the beholder and risks of eminence based medicine”

    We appreciate Dr. Laura S. Boylan’s interest in our article. However, her viewpoint rather strikingly exemplifies the behaviors that she mistakenly believes we were guilty of in our report, beginning with the “eminence based” statements “in my view” occurring twice in the first paragraph and her conclusion with a personal “old saw I use in teaching”. We strongly disagree with her misinterpretation about our application of “cognitive bias” in the selection of our patients for this case-control study. In fact, most patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) had functional complications ascertained after several visits –requiring a diagnostic revision once they fulfilled the appropriate positive criteria.1 The diagnostic “delay” in part may have highlighted the absent recognition of functional comorbidities in PD prior to our study, forcing a conservative approach before ascertaining what may be considered a “second” diagnosis in these patients. Furthermore, in contrast to Dr. Boylan’s suggestion, we did not select patients on the basis of comorbid depression, anxiety, cognitive symptoms, pain, nausea, or fatigue. Instead these features segregated more commonly among cases than controls after the patient selection had been completed. She argues that we considered them “supportive” for a diagnosis of functional movement disorder, but we did not. We have instead emphasized the potentially misleading influence of both history and psychiatric features and argued in favor of a diagnos...

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  • Sleep apnoea and nocturnal hypoventilation in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

    Boentert et al. investigated the prevalence of sleep apnoea and nocturnal hypoventilation (NH) in 250 patients with non-ventilated amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) by considering gender and severity of bulbar dysfunction (1). Prevalence of NH and apnoea-hypopnoea index (AHI) >5/hour was 40.0% and 45.6%, respectively, and 22.3% of patients had both NH and sleep apnoea. Sleep apnoea was significantly more common in male patients and negatively associated with bulbar function. I have some concerns with this study.

    First, the authors did not conduct stratified analysis by gender. As the prevalence of sleep apnoea differs by gender, the association between sleep apnoea, NH and severity of bulbar dysfunction should be analyzed by stratification with gender.

    Second, the authors conducted univariate analyses, and adjustment of independent variables cannot be made. Although the number of patients is limited, recommendation for the use of transcutaneous capnography should be based by appropriate adjustments of confounders.

    Finally, Park et al. evaluated the relationship between nocturnal hypoxia and cognitive dysfunction in patients with ALS, and patients with nocturnal hypoxia showed poor memory retention and retrieval efficiency. They speculated that patients with ALS might be exposed to repeated episodes of deoxygenation-reoxygenation during sleep, because of the weakness of the respiratory muscles. In order to evaluate the effect of desaturation on ALS...

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  • The eye of the beholder and risks of eminence based medicine

    In my view the data presented in this study (1) which are interpreted as indicating a high prevalence of functional movement disorders (FMD) in PD might also be interpreted as suggesting that diagnostic delay is common in PD, particularly among women patients who present as "high maintenance" patients. The diagnosis of functional movement disorders is a matter of expert opinion and in my view problems with study design and interpretation support rather than minimize cognitive and confirmation bias in this study.
    Subjects all met UK brain bank criteria for PD. Subjects diagnosed with FND in this study had high rates of family history of PD. They had depression, anxiety, cognitive symptoms, pain, nausea, fatigue all common complaints among the population in general and most particularly in PD. The presence of these symptoms before or after diagnosis of PD is considered by the authors as supportive for a diagnosis of FMD. However, these same symptoms are known to be associated with PD and might be considered supportive of a PD diagnosis.
    Disparities in healthcare for women are well established (2). Neurology has a long history of mistakes distinguishing the "functional" from the "organic" (e.g.3). To choose one example people with blepharospasm, mostly women, were institutionalized long-term as the disease was not recognized as neurologic. Women commonly encounter dismissal in the medical context and this can occasion missed opportuni...

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  • Leg stereotypy syndrome

    We read with great interest the research paper published recently by Lotia et al. entitled “Leg stereotypy syndrome: phenomenology and prevalence”. 1 The study brings important new information about an intriguing newly identified condition, previously designated by the same group as leg stereotypy disorder2, defined as repetitive, rhythmical, stereotypic leg movements, particularly noticeable while sitting.1,2 The authors describe the phenomenology and prevalence of leg stereotypy syndrome (LSS) by evaluating a total of 92 individuals, 57 from the general population (control group) and 35 with different movement disorders (Parkinson´s disease, restless legs syndrome, Tourette´s syndrome, and tardive dyskinesia).1 LSS was found in 7% of the control group and 17% of the movement disorders group, concluding that in terms of prevalence, this is a common condition.1 Another interesting finding was that all but one (83 %) of the patients with LSS from the movement disorders group also had a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).1 Lotia and colleagues do not believe in a relationship between ADHD and LSS1 stating in the discussion that “while certain movements or fidgetiness can be observed in individuals with anxiety or ADHD, the presence of typical stereotyped movements has not been previously described with ADHD”.1 Our group is currently studying the frequency of abnormal involuntary movements in patients with ADHD, compared a control group, and our pre...

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  • Degeneration of the locus coeruleus in premotor Parkinson's disease could predispose to functional neurological disorders

    Wissel and colleagues recently reported on a large retrospective case series of patients with functional neurological disorder (FND) and Parkinson's disease (PD) [1]. The authors only briefly touched upon the question of shared pathophysiology, noting that in principle certain structural brain diseases may predispose to FND. The study was not designed to tease out any shared or causal pathways between FND and PD, but some speculation based on the presented data could help formulate useful hypotheses concerning this interesting comorbidity. I propose that a disruption of the central noradrenergic system due to degeneration of the locus loeruleus (LC), the sole source of noradrenaline in the brain with far-reaching projections, is a good candidate for a causal link between FND and (prodromal) PD.
    In the study by Wissel and colleagues FND antedated the diagnosis of PD in 26% of cases, often by several years [1]. This is significant, because it nearly eliminates the possibility that the comorbidity is entirely a matter of symptom modelling or functional overlay in all cases. Considering the typical neuroanatomical progression of Lewy pathology in PD, this suggests that neurodegenerative effects within the lower brainstem (Braak stage 1 or 2) are likely structural candidates for a causal pathway. Early LC pathology has been associated with other premotor manifestations of Lewy pathology and PD such as REM sleep behaviour disorder and cognitive decline. A study using...

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  • Aiding diagnosis of suspected patients with Parkinson's Disease and functional disorders

    Dear Editor,

    I read the article entitled "Patients with Parkinson disease are prone to functional neurological disorders" by Hallett M published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry (Published Online First: 16 March 2018. doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2017-317684). I want to congratulate the author for this successful article, and make some contributions.

    The article particularly mentions certain aspects of the clinical presentation, medical history and examination of patients, which should raise the suspicion of a functional disorder (1). I think it is important to remember patients with functional disorders will not always adhere to these criteria and clinicians should perhaps consider trialling suspected patients on either cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or physiotherapy to assess if they experience any improvement with these strategies. There is increasing evidence to show CBT and physiotherapy are beneficial for patients with functional disorders, hence they may be useful in confirming the diagnosis (2)(3).

    Furthermore, the author suggests patients with functional symptoms and no sign of Parkinson's Disease should not be pursued further for a diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease. I think a difficulty is often deciding what classifies as a sign of Parkinson's Disease. The cardinal symptoms of bradykinesia, resting tremor, muscular rigidity and postural instability are commonly subtle within patients, making...

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  • Dosing regimen of oral prednisolone and prognosis in patients with generalized myasthenia gravis

    Imai et al. examined the association between the dosing regimen of oral prednisolone (PSL) and the achievement of minimal manifestation status or better on PSL <=5 mg/day lasting >6 months in patients with generalized myasthenia gravis (1). The authors classified 590 patients into high-dose, intermediate-dose and low-dose (n=166) groups, and logistic regression analysis was applied to know the prognosis of patients in low-dose group, by splitting observational period into 1 to 3 years of treatment. The authors concluded that a low-dose PSL regimen with early combination of other treatment options was significantly associated with good prognosis. I have two concerns about their study.

    First, the dosing regimen of oral PSL should be considered with caution. Namely, the authors set the maximum dose of oral PSL in each group, and standard treatment schedule was selected after each patient was allocated. Mean daily dose of PSL does not become highest in high-dose group in the study, which happens in the study protocol. In addition, there is a possibility of higher frequency in patients with combination of other treatment options, when patients were registered into low-dose group. As the age of onset was higher and disease duration was shorter in patients with low-dose group, randomized allocation should be strictly conducted in further study.

    Second, the number of events was not enough after 1 year observation, and higher odds ratios with wide ranges of con...

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  • No laughing matter

    In their recent article on the pathogenesis of dystonia, Kaji and colleagues argue that aberrant cerebellar inputs can induce dystonic movement mediated by the basal ganglia.[1] In this framework, the sensory trick (geste antagoniste) leads to a realignment between predicted and actual sensory information, thus reduces (or overrides) the sensorimotor mismatch forwarded to the basal ganglia, and in turn alleviates dystonic contractions.
    A similar model of sensorimotor mismatch response has been implicated in the physiology of being tickled[2]. Specifically, it has been proposed that the inability to tickle oneself is related to a sensory attenuation mediated by the cerebellum during self-generated tactile sensation[3]. This attenuation is proportional to the precision of the sensory prediction[4]. Whether the same cerebellar processes are responsible for the alleviation of dystonia during a sensory trick would be an interesting question to explore experimentally. At the risk of straining the analogy, one could even describe the postures and movements one produces when being tickled as dystonic-like. Neurologists are reminded of this when interpreting ambiguous plantar responses in very ticklish patients -- a problem that can be avoided by employing the patient's cerebellar sensory attentuation[5].

    1. Kaji R, Bhatia K, Graybiel AM. Pathogenesis of dystonia: is it of cerebellar or basal ganglia origin? J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2017 Oct 31. pii: jnnp-20...

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  • Response

    Ryuji Kaji MD, PhD
    Department of Neurology, Tokushima University

    I appreciate Dr Popkirov’s unique and interesting views and comments related to our paper [1]. This reminds me of the gating of sensory inputs at various levels of the nervous system, and their perception is not a passive but is a very active process. In addition to the fact that it is not possible to tickle oneself, other sensory phenomena associated with abnormal movements deserve mention. Restless legs syndrome is characterized by constant urge to move legs, and is successfully managed by dopamine agonists. Tics are also preceded by sensory symptoms. These could be examples of aberrant sensory inputs coming to the conscious level, which would normally be handled at subconscious pathways. At this moment, the exact role of the cerebellar pathway in these conditions is not clear, but should be investigated in the future aside from dystonia.

    1. Kaji R, Bhatia K, Graybiel AM. Pathogenesis of dystonia: is it of cerebellar or basal ganglia origin? J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2017 Oct 31. pii: jnnp-2017-316250. doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2017-316250. [Epub ahead of print]
    No conflict of interest declared

  • Classification of respiratory events in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: diagnostic and therapeutic challenges

    Dear Editor,
    We read with great interest the article of Boentert et al.1 recently published on this journal. In their paper, the authors describe polysomnographic findings in a large series of non-ventilated patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). One of the points the authors underscore is that in their patients most respiratory events during sleep were of the obstructive, and not of the central type. This finding is in agreement with what described by Kimura,2 but not by several other authors who found that most respiratory events were of the central type.3 Furthermore, the authors of this paper did not find that obstructive apneas were preferentially associated with bulbar ALS, similarly to David et al.4 but unlike what described by Santos et al.5 However, the tables in the article show that most of the respiratory events were hypopneas, whose type was not specified.
    Criteria for scoring sleep disordered breathing events have changed over time, especially as regards hypopneas. Only recently a general rule for type of hypopnea, central or obstructive has been proposed. Obstructive hypopneas are those where at least one of three criteria is met during the event: presence of snoring, flow limitation demonstrated by a flattening of the nasal pressure derived flow signal, opposing thoracic and abdominal movements. Absence of all these criteria characterizes central hypopneas.6 However, standard criteria for apneas and hypopneas fit well to patients wi...

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