I Muscle weakness
Upper limbs:
 Holding or keeping a pencil (between thumb and index)YNYN
 Holding a glassYNYN
 Wrist flexionYNYN
 Elbow flexion (in supination)YNYN
 Elbow flexion (in pronation)YNYN
 Elbow extensionYNYN
Lower limbs:
 Toes movementsYNYN
 Ankle dorsiflexionYNYN
 Plantar flexionYNYN
 Knee flexionYNYN
 Hip flexionYNYN
 Maintainance of legs against gravity (Mingazzini test)YNYN
 Rising on toesYN
 Rising on heelsYN
 Rising from chair (without any support)YN
 Walking alone (without any support)YN
                 M = number of nos: /28
II Reflexes
 Supinator (radial periosteal)YNYN
                 R = number of nos: /12
III Sensory function
Abnormal sensations:
 Paraesthesiae (tingling numbness, pins and needles)
  In the handYNYN
  Between wrist and elbowYNYN
  Above elbowYNYN
  In the footYNYN
  Between ankle and kneeYNYN
  Above kneeYNYN
 Dysaesthesiae (pain, burning, “electric discharge”)  
  In the handYNYN
  Between the wrist and elbowYNYN
  On the elbowYNYN
  In the footYNYN
  Between ankle and kneeYNYN
  On the kneeYNYN
  Is there inability to feel the floor?YNYN
  Do you feel tightness?
   In the wristYNYN
   In the ankleYNYN
 Joint position sense problems
  Upper limbsYNYN
  Lower limbsYNYN
 Vibratory sense problems
  Upper limbsYNYN
  Lower limbsYNYN
 Pinprick test problems
  Upper limbsYNYN
  Lower limbsYNYN
 Thermal sensation problems
  Upper limbsYNYN
  Lower limbsYNYN
 Are there difficulties in identifying objects with fingers  (astereognosis)?YNYN
 Hand tremorYNYN
 Ataxia (Romberg’s sign)YN
 Gait instability
  Using a walking stickYN
  Without a walking stickYN
                 S = number of yes: /53
IV Subjective assessment
From the beginning of the treatment what are the changes in the following symptoms:
 Paraesthesiae−2: major improvement
 Dyaesthesiae−1: slight improvement
 Inability to feel the floor0: no change
 Tightness+1: slight worsening
 Walking problems+2: major worsening
SA =  (from −10 to +10)
For the initial score, SA = 0
Score: M+R+S+SA = /103