Table 2

Initial symptoms and evolving times in patients with various forms of Guillain-Barré syndrome

Initial symptomsAIDP
(n = 82)
(n = 32)
Axonal forms (n = 6)Unclassified (n = 47)
Numbness or paraesthesia50*** 166730
Limb weakness44*** 63362
Muscle pain or soreness10006
Bulbar dysfunction121902
Ataxia 2*** 2806
Dizziness 2*** 2802
Blurred vision 1*** 3402
Headache 12-150 1304
Back pain 13172
Ptosis 02-150 900
Facial weakness 0300
Median evolving duration (days) 85.536
  • 2-150 P < 0.05; ***P < 0.001 v FS subgroup.

  • AIDP = Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy; FS = Fisher syndrome. All the values (except those for median evolving duration) are given as a percentage.