Patient No | Treatment | Outcome |
1 | Conservative2-150 | Patient declined STA-MCA bypass surgery. Limb shaking TIAs disappeared spontaneously after three months, and did not recur during the next two years |
2 | Endarterectomy L ICA | Patient developed postoperatively hypertensive blood pressures (up to 240/130 mm Hg) and died six days after surgery of massive L hemispheric haemorrhage |
3 | Conservative2-150 | No cardiovascular surgery was planned as diagnostic investigation disclosed inoperable epidermoid carcinoma of the lung with mediastinal metastases. Limb shaking TIAs continued until the patient died eight months later |
4 | Endarterectomy R ICA | No further episodes of limb shaking TIAs occurred over 6 years |
5 | Conservative2-150 | Patient declined STA-MCA bypass surgery, although limb shaking TIAs kept her bedridden; died six months later from a major stroke of the R hemisphere |
ICA=interal carotid artery; L=left; R=right; STA-MCA=superficial temporal artery—middle cerebral artery; TIA=transient ischemic attack.
↵2-150 Blood pressure was maintained in the upper normal range and aspirin was administered.