Electrode tip positions and stimulation profiles were as follows

Lesion positionStimulation profile
Lesion 1:
 (a) 11 mm posterior to FM2 HzMotor response hand, face5.5 V
    13 mm lateral to midline50 HzSensory response cheek, hand5 V
Driving dystonia hand and torticollis7 V
 (b) 14mm posterior to FM2 HzMotor response
    13mm lateral Hand5 V
 Neck6 V
50 HzDriving dystonia hand4 V
Sensory response hand4.5 V
Inhibiting motor foot5 V
Lesion 2:
 (a) 14 mm posterior to FM2 HzMotor response hand, face5.6 V
    7 mm lateral50 HzSensory response hand, face, foot3.8 V
Driving dystonia hand5.0 V
 (b) 17 mm posterior to FM2 HzMotor response hand3.5 V
    10 mm lateralDriving head movement4.0 V
Motor response face5.0 V
50 HzSensory response
 Hand1.0 V
 Face2.4 V
Driving head movement and hand3.4 V
  • Lesion 1 was mainly in Vim. Lesion 2 was mainly in VPM (and VPL?) but probably included part of the centromedianum-parafasicular complex.5 All lesions were made on the foramina of Monro-posterior commissure (FMPC) plane. FM-PC distance measured 27.5 mm and the macrostimulation profile showed the thalamus to be relatively narrow. Each lesion was double; two adjacent lesions were made on each occasion.