Table 6

Effect of thalamic stimulation on essential tremor and activity of daily living

Score (item from ETRS)GroupBaseline3 months12 months
Off stimulationOn stimulationOff stimulationOn stimulation
Tremor ETRS (item 1-9)All19.21 (8.22) [34]15.24 (6.82) [33]7.88 (5.17) [33]6-150 17.21 (7.33) [33]8.65 (5.86) [34] 6-150
Voice tremor (item 3)All0.63 (0.69) [35]0.41 (0.70) [34]0.31 (0.53) [35]0.54 (0.70) [35]0.40 (0.69) [35]
Unilateral0.46 (0.65) [26]0.48 (0.77) [25]0.31 (0.55) [26]0.42 (0.76) [26]0.31 (0.74) [26]
Bilateral1.11 (0.60) [9]0.22 (0.44) [9]0.33 (0.50) [9]0.89 (0.33) [9]0.67 (0.50) [9]
Head tremor (item 4)All1.31 (1.51) [35]1.14 (1.22) [35]0.59 (0.89) [34]6-150 1.09 (1.62) [35]0.71 (1.30) [35]
Unilateral1.00 (1.47) [26]1.08 (1.26) [26]0.64 (0.95) [25]1.15 (1.80) [26]0.85 (1.43) [26]
Bilateral2.22 (1.30) [9]1.33 (1.12) [9]0.44 (0.73) [9] 0.89 (0.93) [9]0.33 (0.71) [9]
ADL ETRS (item 15-21)All14.88 (4.28) [32]15.27 (6.59) [26]3.90 (4.64) [30] 6-150 14.92 ( 6.72) [24]2.93 (3.39) [28] 6-150
Hand function (item 10-14)All25.43 (7.39) [35]22.68 (8.43) [34]13.50 (7.60) [34] 6-150 25.21 (7.20) [34]14.26 (6.49) [34]6-150
  • Values are mean (SD) [number of patients].

  • 6-150 p<0.001 v baseline; p<0.001v off stimulation; p<0.005v unilateral.