Table 7

Effect of unilateral thalamic stimulation on treated and non-treated hemibody, in the essential tremor group

Score (item from ETRS)HemibodyBaseline3 months12 months
Off stimulationOn stimulationOff stimulationOn stimulation
Upper limb (ETRS 5-6)Treated7.27 (1.91) [26]6.04 (2.31) [26]1.42 (1.33) [26] 7-150 6.73 (2.15) [26]1.42 (1.10) [26]7-150
Non-treated5.69 (2.81) [26]5.96 (3.10) [26]5.50 (3.11) [26]6.32 (3.29) [25]5.92 (2.82) [26]
Lower limb (ETRS 8-9)Treated1.81 (2.64) [26]1.15 (2.03) [26]0.50 (1.03) [26] 1.27 (2.15) [26]0.46 (1.10) [26] §
Non-treated1.08 (2.13) [26]0.85 (1.19) [26]0.73 (1.22) [26]1.23 (2.03) [26]0.92 (1.49) [26]
  • Values are mean (SD) [No of patients].

  • 7-150 p<0.001, p<0.005 v baseline;p<0.001; §p<0.005 v off stimulation.