Table 3

Mean (SD) normalised volumes (ml) and mean (SD) volume changes3-151(ml and %) of RR and SP patients

RRSPp(1)RR volume changeSP volume changep Value (2)
Brain stem22.6  (2.9)21.9  (3.3)NS−5.4  (2.9) −19.3%−6.1  (3.3) −21.8%NS
Cerebellum123.6 (2.9)116.7 (11.1)NS−24.2 (15.4) −16.4%−31.1 (11.1) −21.0%NS
Upper cervical cord2.6 (0.68)2.1 (0.59)0.01* −1.8 (0.68) −40.8%−2.3 (0.59) −52.0%0.01*
Cerebral grey matter582.0 (39.1)599.7 (64.7)NS−8.3 (39.1) −1.4%+9.4 (64.7) +1.6%NS
Cerebral white matter429.5 (45.1)390.4 (41.4)0.007* −36.0 (45.1) −7.7%−75.2 (41.4) −16.2%0.008*
Cerebral hemispheres1010.2 (58.7)990.0 (70.9)NS−45.6 (58.7) −4.3%−65.9 (70.9) −6.2%NS
Ventricles16.1 (13.2)19.8 (9.0)NS+1.3 (13.2) +8.8%+5.0 (9.0) +33.8%NS
Corpus callosum 5.3 (1.1)4.8 (1.0)NS−1.1 (1.1) −17.4%−1.6 (1.0) −25.5%NS
  • 3-151 Mean of (individual patient volume-mean control volume);Corpus callosal area in cm2; p(1)=Comparison of normalised volumes for RR and SP; p Value (2)=comparison of volume changes for RR and SP; *Trend (0.006<p< 0.05); **significant after Bonferroni (p<0.006).