Table 3

Results of separate one way ANOVAs for the specified variables (peak velocity, RMS displacement, V100, V200, and onset latency) in each group (patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and controls) and each condition (PRD1, NPD, and PRD2). The tested factor was Epoch (E1, E2, E3, E4). Significance indicated by3-150 (p<0.05).

One way ANOVA Factor:epochPeak velocityRMS DisplV100V200Onset latency
(df=1, 6) F=3.37 F=0.573 F=1.736 F=3.005 F=0.013
NPD F=0.871 F=5.043 F=5.712 F=0.982 F=1.723
Patients with Parkinson’s disease: F=0.254 F=0.159 F=6.448 F=2.016 F=0.059
(df=1, 6)p=0.633p=0.704p=0.0443-150 p=0.205p=0.816
PRD1 F=0.26 F=1.263 F=0.889 F=0.026 F=4.166
PRD2 F=6.26 F=3.101 F=0.305 F=0.045 F=1.718
p=0.0463-150 p=0.129p=0.601p=0.84p=0.238
F=10.435 F=6.73 F=0.355 F=3.392 F=6.234
p=0.0183-150 p=0.0413-150 p=0.573p=0.115p=0.0473-150
  • 3-150 p<0.05.