Table 4

Relation between emotional disorder, demographics, HAD score, disability, pain, and the number of somatic symptoms. (n=300)

Emotional disorder n=140 No emotional disorder n=160 Mann-Whitney U p Value
No male(%, 95% CI)50 (36, 28-44)76 (48, 40-55)4.34-150 0.04
Median (95% CI) age41 (38-44)42 (38-44)106700.7
Median (95% CI) total HAD score17 (14-19)6 (6-8)2374<0.0005
Median (95% CI) SF36 score4-151:
Physical function70 (60-80)90 (90-95)7431<0.0005
 Physical role functioning25 ( 0-50)100 (75-100)6658<0.0005
 Bodily pain51 (42-52)80 (72-84)5115<0.0005
 Social functioning62.5 (50-62.5)100 (100-100)6914<0.0005
Median No (95% CI) somatic symptoms6 (5-7)3 (2-3)5104<0.0005
  • 4-150 χ2 test.

  • 4-151 Lower scores on the SF-36 equate with increased disability or pain; all scores range 0–100.