Table 3

Persistent improvements in long term (1 year follow up) reports of pallidotomy

Author (year)Maximal follow up (months)/nDyskinesiaUPDRS score in offBradykinesiaTremorTime in offGait/stability
in off
On period features other than dyskinesia
ContralateralIpsilateralMotor partADLContralateral Ipsilateral
This series (1998)14/20 + (+) + + (+) + +
Dogali et al; Fazziniet al (1995, 1997) 1 6 12 /18, 24/11 + ? + + + + (+) ?+Motor and ADL score, gait, bradykinesia, mild, but persistent, ?>1year
36/10, 48/5(+/−) at 4 years?>1 year?>1 year
Baronet al (1996)17 12 /15 + ? + (+) + + +(+/−)(+/−)
Kishore et al(1997)16 12/11 (+) (+) + + + (+/−) + ?+
(6 months)(6 months)(6 months)(6 months)
Langet al; Kumar et al (1997, 1998)8 12 12 /27 + (+/−) + + + (+/−) (+/−) ?(+/−)(+/−)
1 year)
(after 3 months)(small n)(after 3–6 months)(after 1 year)
Johansson et al(1997)7 12/? + + +
  • n=Number of patients; improvement rated as +=persistent; (+)=persistent, but decreasing; (+/−)=lost or decreased; −=not improved; ?=not reported; bold=consistently improved in most reports