Drug-unrelated and drug-related psychoses

Drug-unrelated GroupDrug-related GroupSubgroups
Number of patients2717764
Age*4: (y: mean (SD)40.6 (14.4)41.5 (13.1)35.7 (7.6)52.7 (14.9)34.8 (6.2)
Sex: male, female11, 169, 83, 42, 44, 0
Onset of epilepsy (y: mean (SD))12.6 (9.5)14.2 (9.7)10.3 (9.7)19.2 (10.5)13.5 (6.8)
Onset of psychoses, (y: mean (SD))27.9 (8.8)33.2 (10.4)29.3 (7.5)40.2 (12.2)29.5 (7.9)
Latency, years: mean (S.D.)15.2 (8.6)19.0 (11.8)19.0 (9.3)21.0 (16.2)16.0 (10.6)
Relation with epileptic seizures*1,*4
No relation to seizure235302
Type of psychosis*1,*4
Polymorphic psychosis28161
 Delusional psychosis85401
 Schizophrenia-like psychosis174202
Anticonvulsant drug content
Psychotropic drug use*3
Psychotropic drug maintenance*1
Clinical course*1
Single episode710433
  • *1 p<0.01 (χ2) between drug-unrelated and drug-related groups.

  • *2 p<0.05 (χ2) between drug-unrelated and drug-related groups.

  • *3 p<0.01 (χ2) among subgroups in drug-related group.

  • *4 p<0.05 (ANOVA, χ2) among subgroups in drug-related group.

  • PHT=phenytoin; CBZ=carbamazepine; PB=phenobarbital; VPA=valproic acid; ZNS=zonisamide.