Table 1

Demographics, clinical characteristics, and neuropsychological test results

aPD (n=24) sPD (n=29) p Value
Age (y)65 (41–78)70 (45–84)NS
Years of education8 (4–12)8 (6–12)NS
Duration of disease (years)11 (3–18)5 (2–17)0.00
Hoehn and Yahr stage3 (1–5)3 (1–3.5)0.01
Side of predominant motor impairment
(% right:% left)
Sex distribution (% female:male)25:7538:62NS
MMSE26 (15–30)28 (21–30)NS
Premorbid IQ100.5 (69–136)100.5 (85–134)NS
RBMT, immediate7 (1–22)7 (1–14)NS
RBMT, long5 (0–18)6 (0–11)NS
WLG17.5 (4–34)20.5 (5–33)NS
  • Values are medians (range); p values by Student'st test for independent samples (demographics); χ2 analysis (sex and side distributions), and Mann-Whitney U test (neuropsychological tasks); aPD=advanced Parkinson's disease with motor fluctuations; sPD=stable, non-fluctuating Parkinson's disease; MMSE= mini mental state examination; premorbid IQ=premorbid intelligence quotient; RBMT immediate=score of immediate story recall of the Rivermead behavioural memory test; RBMT long=score of long delay story recall of the RBMT; WLG=sum of both word list generation tasks.