Table 2

Neuropsychological measures by cognitive domain

Cognitive domain Description and key variable measured
Mental status:
 Mini mental state exam (MMSE)19 Orientation and mental status; total score
Verbal learning and memory:
 California verbal learning test (CVLT)25 New learning and recall of a list of 16 categorised words; total 1–5 (sum of words recalled on five free recall trials); long delay (number of words recalled after a 20-minute filled delay)
 Boston naming test (BNT)26 Confrontational naming; total (number of drawings named correctly or with the aid of semantic cueing)
 Verbal fluency test (COWAT)27 Phonemic fluency; total (words generated in 60 seconds for each of three letters)
Visuospatial ability:
 Hooper visual organisation (Hooper)28 Visuospatial organisation; total (number of pictures identified)
Information processing speed:
 Trail making test part A (trailsA)29 Speed and accuracy of visuospatial tracking; total time to completion (seconds)
 Symbol digit modalities test (SDMT)30 Oral rate of information processing in a visual task; total (number of symbols transcribed in 90 seconds)
Executive functioning:
 Wisconsin card sorting test (WCST)31 Generating hypotheses and abstract concepts, shifting mental sets, and utilising feedback; categories (number of categories achieved), perseverative errors (persistence in responding to an incorrect concept), and total error (number of perseverative and non-perseverative errors)
 Stroop colour word test (Stroop)32 Mental flexibility and the ability to suppress a preferred response in favour of a competing novel response; interference (index of the ability to resist interference from competing stimuli)
 Trail making test part B (trailsB)29 Mental flexibility and visuospatial tracking; total time to completion (seconds)
Affective functioning:
 Beck depression inventory (BDI)33 Depressive symptoms; total score