Table 2

Summary of the clinical assessment of the patients

PatientSex/agePathological localisationClinical featuresTime between the onset of symptoms and fMRIPreoperative Canadian neurological scorePostoperative Canadian neurological scorePreoperative MRC scorePostoperative MRC scorePreoperative time for 20 finger oppositionsPostoperative time for 20 finger oppositions
1M/50Glioblastoma, R hemisphereBrachiofacial seizures left hand hemiparesis13 days892535imp.115212
2F/62Astrocytoma grade III, R hemisphereBapidly progressive hemiparesis1 days79.5355559152417
3F/58Meningioma, L hemisphereBrachiofacial hemiparesis4 days7.5103555imp.182117
4M/68Lung metastasis, R hemisphereLeft hand hemiparesis7 days99454538102812
5F/63Astrocytoma grade III, R hemisphereLeft hand hemiparesis5 days7.59354544112810
  • Imp=Task impossible to perform. Only flexion and extension of the fingers possible.