Table 5

Mean ranks on the critical dependent variables

Variable Group Baseline Week 3 Week 6 Week 9 Week 12 Aggregate5-150 Contrast analysis p value
AshworthPlacebo3.63.2ø2.62.72.910.3  (12)
BTX-A4.22.4ø2. (6)<0.002
Range of movementPlacebo2. (20)
BTX-A2. (4)
Gross motor functionPlacebo2. (40)
BTX-A2. (40)
Motor function; upper limb5-151 Placebo2. (6.5)
BTX-A2. (12.5)
Motor function; limb/trunk5-152 Placebo1. (16)
BTX-A2. (21)
Problem ratingsPlacebo2.53.05-153 2.95-153 3.23.311.1 (10)<0.05
BTX-A1.52.75-153 3.45-153 3.73.814.5 (14)
  • 5-150 The aggregate is the sum of the raw scores for weeks 3 to 12 inclusive. The values in the aggregate column are means with medians in parentheses.

  • 5-151 For patients with upper limb deficits;

  • 5-152 for patients with lower limb deficits.

  • 5-153 Denotes point at which a significant change from the previous value is statistically significant as detected with ANOVA performed on the ranked data and confirmed by contrast analysis.