Baseline characteristics of patients with delirium with and without dementia diagnosed during the 2 year follow up

All Non-demented Demented p Value
No (%)51 (100)23 (45.1)28 (54.9)
Age (mean (SD))82.1 (5.4)82.3 (4.7)81.8 (6.0)0.725
Female (No (%))46 (90)22 (96)24 (86)0.362
Living alone (No (%))42 (82)20 (87)22 (79)0.434
 With spouse633
 With own child203
MMSE Score (mean (SD))20.8 (3.9)22.5 (3.4)19.3 (3.7)0.003
Bartel index score (mean (SD))85 (12)83 (13)87 (11)0.273
IADL score (mean (SD))22 (6)20 (6)22 (7)0.276
Dementia28 (55)
 Alzheimer's disease11 (24)11 (39)
 Vascular dementia,10 (20)10 (36)
 Dementia with Lewy Bodies2 (4)2 (7)
 Mixed dementia3 (6)3 (11)
 Other types of dementia1-150 2 (4)2 (7)
  • 1-150 An alcoholic dementia in one case and a non-alcoholic hepatic encephalopathia in one case.