Table 2

Prognostic scoring systems in tetanus: Phillips score

Factor Score
Incubation time:
 <48 hours5
 2–5 days4
 5–10 days3
 10–14 days2
 >14 days1
Site of infection:
 Internal and umbilical5
 Head, neck, and body wall4
 Peripheral proximal3
 Peripheral distal2
State of protection:
 Possibly some or maternal immunisation in neonatal patients8
 Protected >10 years ago4
 Protected <10 years ago2
 Complete protection0
Complicating factors:
 Injury or life threatening illness10
 Severe injury or illness not immediately life threatening8
 Injury or non-life threatening illness4
 Minor injury or illness2
 ASA Grade 10
Total score