Table 4

Correlations (Spearman) of ALSAQ-5 items (denoted by prefix “Mini“) with dimensions of the ALSAQ-40 for the MND regional survey

Mini-Mob Mini-ADL Mini-eat Mini-com Mini-Em
Physical mobility 0.84** 0.34****
n=168 n=168n=167n=166n=165
ADL/independence0.56** 0.84** 0.11* 0.110.23**
n=167 n=168 n=168n=172n=166
Eating and drinking0.090.06 0.94** 0.72** 0.24**
n=169n=170 n=171 n=169n=1168
Communication0.150.030.68** 0.93** 0.28**
n=168n=169n=168 n=169 n=166
Emotional reactions0.27** 0.140.36** 0.25** 0.83**
n=167n=169n=171n=168 n=170
  • Bold indicates correlation of parent scale with item.