Table 1

Cognitive assessment of the patient

Results (correct/total) Interpretation
Spatial attention/orientation:
 Line cancellation task30/30No neglect
 VOSP1-151 Appropriate spatial analysis
  Shape detection screening test20/20
  Dot counting10/10
  Number location8/10
  Position discrimination17/20
Visuoconstructive abilities:
 Copy of simple drawings2/3*
 Copy of complex Rey figure21/36 (centile 1)*
Visual recognitionApperceptive agnosia *
 Simple shapes5/5
 Schematic drawings10/15*
 Real objects5/5
 Faces (photographs)5/5No prosopagnosia
 Colour matching5/5Achromatopsia?
 Colour discrimination6/10
LanguageNo aphasia
 Boston naming test221-152/30Mild naming deficit
 Writing sentences3/3No agraphia
 Reading words0/10
 Recognition of spelling aloud words6/6Posterior alexia
  • 1-151 Visual object and space perception battery;

  • 1-152 Plus three items after phonemic clues (includes just the errors due to naming impairment).