Table 2

Seizure description

Patient Number of recorded seizures Mean (SD) duration of recorded seizure (s) Autonomic disturbances Face expression Scream Agitation and limb automatisms Posturing, rotation, clonic movements Oroalimentary automatisms Amnesia of seizure Aura Hands in front of face
14124 (20)Pallor, mydriasis, sometimes rubefactionHorrified (early)Groaning (early), screaming (late), shouts “stay with me”(late), calls for helpEarly agitation, leg beatingNoInconstant, lateYes; remembers first sensationEpigastric sensationYes
21390Sensation of cold, piloerection on left side of body; then on the whole body, rubefactionTense, preoccupiedSighs (late); asks “I would like diazepam”, calls for helpNo agitation, mild late leg automatismsMild head clonic movements (late)Chewing late; breathingNoStrange feelingNo
3381 (8)Rubefaction, then pallor, mydriasisHorrified (early)Screaming (early)Early agitation with leg beating and hand agitationR arm tonic (once, early); L periocular clonic movements (late)Chewing (late)YesStrange feelingYes
4922 (4)Rubefaction, mydriasis, tachycardiaHorrifiedScreaming (early), calls for helpEarly agitationNoNoNoNoYes
51090 (7)Thirst, cold, piloerection, mydriasis, pallorTense, preoccupiedSays early “I don't feel well” then screams (late), calls for helpLate agitation, early leg beatingNoEarlyNoStrange feelingYes
64153 (34)Rubefaction, pallor, dyspnoea, tachycardiaHorrifiedNo, once groaning (late)No agitation, late mild hands and leg automatismEarly clonic movements of chinEarlyPartialFeels something in the throatYes
7290 (14)RubefactionHorrifiedGroaningEarly agitation, late tapping with R handL upper hand dystoniaEarly chewingPartialNot reportedYes
8567 (19)RubefactionTense, preoccupiedEarly, calls for helpEarly agitation, L hand automatismNoEarlyNoNoNo
  • R=Right; L=left.