Table 1

Mental deterioration battery (MDB): mean scores (SD) obtained by patients with FTLD and those with dAD

FTLD (n=10) dAD (n=14) Cut off1-150
Visual memory14.6  (3.1)13.6  (3.3)13.8
Rey's auditory verbal learning test
 Immediate recall20.8 (3.7)17.1 (5.9)28.5
 Delayed recall1.2 (0.9)2.1 (1.9)4.6
 Delayed recognition1-151 73.3 (8.0)82.9 (7.7)89.6
Phonological verbal fluency20.8 (8.8)13.8 (7.8)17.3
Word generation (semantic categories)8.7 (4.2)8.1 (5.5)15.5
Copying drawings1-152 7.9 (3.6)5.9 (3.0)7.2
Copying drawings with landmarks1-152 63.1 (8.9)51.6 (7.5)61.8
Digit span forward5.8 (1.7)5.0 (0.9)7.3
Digit span backward3.1 (1.1)2.1 (1.3)5.2
Raven's coloured progressive matrices25.4 (5.4)14.8 (4.5)18.9
Temporal rule induction1-153 22.3 (5.4)17.8 (4.9)15.7
  • 1-150 Cut off values derived from the validation study7of the MDB, based on the analysis of performance of 340 normal subjects.

  • 1-151 McNicol's accuracy scores (signal detection theory) range 50–100 (random performance errorless performance).

  • 1-152 Visuoconstructive tasks.

  • 1-153 Task exploring “sequencing“ and “set shifting“, most sensitive to frontal damage.