Table 1

Differential diagnosis of cervical vertigo: vertigo, unsteadiness, or oscillopsia triggered/aggravated by head-neck movements

Disorder Assumed mechanism
  Benign paroxysmal positional vertigoCanalolithiasis, cupulolithiasis
  Post-traumatic otolith vertigoDislodged otoconia, causing unequal heavy load on macula
  Perilymph fistulaFloating labyrinth
Vestibular nerve:
  Unilateral vestibular failure (eg, vestibular neuritis)Cross coupling effects with acute vestibular tone imbalance
  Bilateral vestibular failureDefective vestibulo-ocular reflex
  Vestibular paroxysmiaNeurovascular cross compression
  Nerve compression by cerebellopontine angle massConduction block or ectopic discharges
Ocular motor:
  Extraocular eye muscle or gaze paresisInappropriate vestibulo-ocular reflex
Central vestibular:
  Central positional nystagmus/vertigoCerebellar disinhibition
  Migraine without auraMotion sickness due to sensory hyperexcitability
  Migraine with aura (basilar migraine, vestibular migraine)Spreading depression involving vestibular structures
  Vestibulocerebellar ataxiaVestibulocerebellar dysfunction
  Rotational vertebral artery occlusionIschaemic depolarisation
  Carotid sinus syndromeGlobal cerebral ischaemia
  Positional alcohol nystagmus/vertigoCerebellar and specific gravity differential between cupula and endolymph (buoyancy mechanism)
  Drugs (eg, antiepileptics)Cerebellar and ocular motor