Table 2

Frequency of behavioural symptoms in apathetic (FTD-A) and disinhibited (FTD-D) forms of FTD and semantic dementia

Frequency (%)Overall χ2Individual group comparisons (Fisher's exact test)
p Value
p Value
p Value
 Loss of basic emotions 100 83 60 6.1NSNS0.03
 Exaggerated emotional display3339 55 1.1
 Irritability 50 61 82 2.6
 Aggression25 61 64 4.70.06NS0.07
 Loss of emotional insight 75 78 915.2NS0.0000.002
 Loss of embarrassment 92 89 73 3.5
 Selfishness 83 89 91 0.3
Social and personal behaviour:
 Disinhibition 58 61 361.6
 Social avoidance 50 17184.60.06NSNS
 Seeks out social contact1728 72 8.8NS0.020.01
 Neglect of hygiene 92 83 64 3.0
 General loss of interest 91 89 1819.4NS0.0000.001
Sensory behaviours:
 Loss of awareness of pain4539270.8
 Exaggerated reaction to pain033 55 8.50.03NS0.005
 Exaggerated heat/cold response011459.2NS0.050.01
Eating and oral behaviours:
 Overeats/gluttony 83 61 365.3NSNS0.03
 Crams food 50 50 95.7NS0.030.04
 Less selective/indiscriminate 55 4195.3NS0.080.03
 Eats continually if food present 50 41271.3
 Seeks out food1744183.6
 Preference for sweet foods25 56 362.9
 Preference for savoury foods0092.8
 More selective/food fads822 55 6.6NS0.090.02
 Oral exploration of objects022183.0
Repetitive behaviours, compulsions, and rituals:
 Behavioural stereotypies
  Simple motor stereotypies 75 44 55 2.7
  Complex routines839 55 5.80.07NS0.02
  Verbal stereotypies25 67 73 6.80.06NS0.03
  Repetitive themes3328 91 12.1NS0.0010.007
  Wandering 83 56 189.8NS0.050.003
  Pacing 58 61 361.8
  Paces fixed route333304.8NS0.040.06
 Environmentally dependent behaviours:
  Aligns objects 50 28182.9
  Hoards objects42 67 64 2.0
  Touches or handles objects3344450.5
  Counts objects81790.6
  Reads notices aloud2533 55 1.5
  Copies speech (echolalia)3333180.9
  Imitates actions (echopraxia)09183.3
 Compulsive behaviours:
  Clockwatching839 82
  Adherence to daily routine817 73 14.0NS0.0040.002
  Does tasks same way2528451.3
  Completes tasks in same order822362.6
  Arranges belongings in same way86 55 11.8NS0.0060.02
  Performs tasks again and again1717 55 5.9NS0.040.07
  Upset if routine disrupted1733452.2
  Excessive worrying1711 64 10.5NS0.0050.0
  Needs to do things immediately3644 64 1.8
  Preoccupied checking locks etc172290.8
  Checks and rechecks what done817271.5
  Excessive attention to detail822362.6
  Overconcern with cleanliness80183.4
  Superstitious rituals221790.8
Cognitively mediated behaviours:
 Fails to recognise objects1717 55 5.9NS0.050.07
 Uses wrong words3617 91 15.6NS0.0000.01
  • FTD-A=Apathetic presentation of FTD; FTD-D=disinhibited presentation of FTD; SD=semantic dementia. Prevalence figures greater than 50% are printed in bold.