Table 2

SP and MEP parameters (mean (SD)) according to severity of head injury2-151

Parameters Control group (n=20) Minor head injury (n=10) Mild head injury (n=22) Moderate head injury (n=6)
MEP threshold (motor resting threshold)40.2 (6.1)42.3 (4.3)55.9 (11.6)2-150 60.7 (11.9)2-150
SP threshold (inhibition threshold)34.2 (5.2)36.1 (3.8)43.2 (6.5)2-150 49.5 (13.4)2-150
Interthreshold difference6.0 (2.7)6.2 (2.1)12.7(6.4)2-150 11.2 (4.0)
MEP/M wave amplitude ratio (%)29.9 (9.1)32.1 (13.5)12.1 (9.3)2-150 15.3 (12.7)2-150
Central motor conduction time (ms)7.4 (0.8)8.1 (1.4)8.9 (1.1)2-150 8.7 (2.0)
Between side MEP threshold difference1.6 (1.3)2.3 (1.6)10.4 (7.8)2-150 5.5 (3.8)
Between side SP threshold difference2.6 (1.8)1.5 (1.3)3.2 (2.9)3.0 (2.8)
SP duration (ms) at intensity of 130% MEP threshold150.8 (37.0)151.9 (25.7)196.1 (35.8)2-150 194.7 (35.4)2-150
  • 2-151 Significant difference compared with control group,

  • 2-150 p<0.05, ANOVA, t test.