Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of participants in the Leiden 85-plus Study

Characteristic Women (%) (n=397) Men (%) (n=202)
Living arrangements1-150
 Independent312 (79)177 (88)
 Institutionalised1-151 85 (21)25 (12)
Marital status1-150
 Married70 (18)128 (63)
 Unmarried28 (7)10 (5)
 Widowed283 (71)62 (31)
 Divorced16 (4)2 (1)
 Low level279 (70)107 (53)
 High level114 (29)93 (46)
 Missing4 (1)2 (1)
MMSE score1-150
 19–30 points316 (80)184 (91)
 0–18 points81 (20)18 (9)
Depressive symptoms
 GDS⩽3 points241 (61)140 (69)
 GDS⩾4 points75 (19)44 (22)
 GDS not administered1-152 81 (20)18 (9)
  • MMSE=mini mental state examination; GDS=geriatric depression scale.

  • 1-150 χ2 p<0.05.

  • 1-151 Institutionalised were those living in a home for elderly people or those living in a nursing home.

  • 1-152 GDS not administered in subjects with an MMSE score of 18 or lower.