Table 2

Number of study members (%) in each headache group diagnosed at age 26 who had a positive history of physical problems

Headache group
Physical problemsHeadache free controls (n=739)Migraine† (n=72)Tension-type headache‡ n=109)Combined headache (n=42)
*p<0.05 v controls; †migraine attacks are typically characterised by moderate to severe pulsating pain with a unilateral location. They are associated with nausea and/or sensitivity to light, sound, and movement of the body; ‡tension-type headaches are described as recurrent episodes of headache lasting minutes to days. The pain is typically pressing/tightening in quality, of mild or moderate intensity, bilateral in location, and does not worsen with routine physical activity. Nausea is absent, but photophobia or phonophobia may be present.
Perinatal complications115 (15.6)11 (15.3)8 (7.%)*5 (11.9)
Neurological problems72 (9.7)8 (11.1)15 (13.8)5 (11.9)
Mild traumatic head injury (ages 3–13)45 (6.1)4 (5.6)3 (2.8)3 (7.1)
Mild traumatic head injury (ages 15–21)17 (2.3)2 (2.8)3 (2.8)1 (2.4)
Neck/back injury (ages 3–13)32 (4.3)3 (4.2)11 (10.1)*4 (9.5)
Neck/back injury (ages 15–21)33 (4.5)2 (2.8)4 (3.7)0
Neck/back/head injury (ages 21–26)15 (2.0)4 (5.6)4 (3.7)2 (4.8)