Table 3

Physiotherapy assessment and falls

AssessmentFallers (n=69)Non-fallers (n=32)Testp Value
Data are median with range or absolute number with percentages. *0.01<p<0.05; **p<0.01. 1, independent samples t test; 2, χ2 test; 3, Mann-Whitney U test.
Tinetti gait score13 (9–18)11.5 (9–17)10.056
Tinetti balance score25 (13–37)20 (13–34)10.006**
Total Tinetti score36 (23–54)32 (22–49)10.004**
Walking velocity (m/s)0.71 (0.1–1.43)0.87 (0.34–1.43)10.055
Stride length (m)0.48 (0.12–0.77)0.54 (0.27–0.77)10.065
Lying to sitting time (s)4 (1–23)3.5 (2–26)30.233
Sitting to standing time (s)2 (1–16)2 (1–6)30.322
Climb down four stairs time (s)6 (2–89)5 (2–15)30.086
Loss of arm swing37/55 (67.3%)10/30 (33.3%)20.003**
Dyskinesia present13 (18.8%)1 (3.1%)20.034*
Festination present12 (17.4%)1 (3.1%)20.057