Table 1

Abbreviated International Headache Society criteria for the common primary headaches2

All of the above diagnostic criteria require the exclusion of secondary (that is, pathologically verifiable) causes for pain. This is normally achieved on clinical grounds.
Migraine without aura
  •     Headache lasting 4 hours to 3 days

  •     Nausea/vomiting and/or light and noise sensitivity

  •     Two of the following:

        Unilateral pain
        Moderate or severe intensity pain
        Aggravation by simple physical activity
        Pulsating pain
Migraine with aura
  •     At least 3 of the following:

        Reversible focal brainstem or cortical dysfunction
        Aura develops over >4 minutes, or 2 auras in succession
        Each aura <60 minutes
        Headache <60 minutes following aura
Episodic tension-type headache
  •     Duration 30 minutes to 7 days

  •     At least 2 of the following:

        Mild or moderate intensity pain
        Bilateral pain
        No aggravation by simple physical activity
        Pressing or tight (non-pulsating) pain
  •     No nausea/vomiting; may have light or noise sensitivity (not both)

Chronic tension-type headache
  •     >15 days pain per month, for >6 months

  •     At least 2 of the following:

        Mild or moderate intensity pain
        Bilateral pain
        No aggravation by simple physical activity
        Pressing or tight (non-pulsating) pain
  •     No vomiting; one only of nausea, light sensitivity, noise sensitivity