Table 2

Frequency of abnormal eating behaviours in frontotemporal dementia, frontal variant (fv-FTD), semantic dementia (SD), and Alzheimer’s disease (AD)

Frequency (%)
fv-FTDSDADχ2p Value
afv-FTD>AD and SD>AD.
(A) Swallowing problems
Difficulty in swallowing food262074.80.08
Difficulty in swallowing liquids131223.30.2
Ccoughs or chokes when swallowing3020142.60.3
Takes a long time to swallow food or liquids261693.30.2
Places food in mouth but does not chews it26829.60.007b
Chews food but does not swallows it13471.40.5
(B) Appetite change
Loss of appetite308164.30.1
Increase in appetite6128920.00.000b
Seeks out food between meals5740917.80.000a
Overeats at meal times4824517.10.000b
Requests larger or second helping of food3920512.40.002b
Reports hunger302094.80.09
Reports being overfull916120.60.8
Other changes in appetite, such a binges3032510.60.004a
Needs to limit food intake261228.70.008b
(C) Food preference
Prefers sweet foods more than before61681226.90.000a
Drinks more soft drinks4324217.30.000a
Drinks more tea/coffee3536710.70.005a
“Taste” in food changed in another way (eg, eats more meat)393299.10.01
Adds more seasoning to their food (eg, adds more salt)302076.30.04
Developed other food fads172829.60.007c
Hoards sweets or other food131624.40.1
Drinks more alcohol3016210.60.006b
(D) Eating habits
Wants to cook or eat exactly the same foods each days2640513.20.001c
Tends to eat foods in the same order4312512.30.002b
Wants to eat at the same time every day5256920.70.000a
Decline in table manners61641224.80.000a
Eats with hands174099.50.007c
Takes a long time to eat3524231.10.6
(E) Other oral behaviours
Tends to overfill mouth392898.50.01b
Chews or sucks on things (eg, pens) without trying to eat them268012.70.001b
Eats non-edible foodstuffs or things not normally eaten92008.90.009c
Tends to snatch or grasp any food items within reach3016210.60.006b
Become a heavier smoker or taken up smoking again260511.90.002d
Episodes of spontaneous vomiting9821.60.6
Episodes of self induced vomiting4003.00.3