Table 1

Baseline clinical profile of five patients with an acute auditory syndrome as a prodromal feature of impending AICA infarction

Patient NoAge/sexVascular risk factorsAAS (prodromal symptoms)MRIMRA
MRI and MRA were done at the time of anterior inferior cerebellar artery infarction.
*Patients had recurrent episodes of transient acute auditory syndrome before infarction.
†Patients had a single episode of prolonged acute auditory syndrome before infarction.
AAS, acute auditory symptom; AICH, anterior inferior cerebellar hemisphere; B, both; BA, basilar artery; DLP, dorsolateral pons; F, female; HTN, hypertension; L, left; M, male; MCP, middle cerebellar peduncle; MRA, magnetic resonance angiography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NIDDM, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; R, right.
1*62/FHTNTinnitus and hearing loss on R (10 days)MCP DLPProximal BA stenosis
2*71/FHTNTinnitus on R (1 days)MCP AICHDiffuse BA stenosis
3†67/MNIDDMHearing loss on B and tinnitus on R (10 days)MCP DLP AICHMid BA stenosis
4†60/FNIDDM, HTNHearing loss on L (6 days)MCP DLPMid BA stenosis
5*62/MNIDDM, HTNHearing loss on R and tinnitus (4 days)MCP DLPProximal BA stenosis