Table 1

Demographic and thalamic activation data during vagus nerve stimulation

Thalamic activation during VNS
Patient No/age (years)/sex/seizure focus/anticonvulsantNCP implanted before scanningFrequency*Clinical improvement (%)Cluster extent (voxel)p Value
*Number of seizures/month on average before the implantation.
BTL, bilateral temporal lobes; F, female; LTL: left temporal lobe; M, male; RFTL, right frontal temporal lobe; RTL, right temporal lobe; VNS, vagus nerve stimulation.
1/27/M/BTL/topiramate, valproic acid1 month100%0
2/29/F/RFTL/carbamazepine2 months0.7+75%22p< 2.7x10−4
3/26/M/RTL/carbamazepine11 months40%0
4/40/M/RTL/topiramate, valproic acid6 months40%0
5/40/M/LTL/topiramate, valproic acid5 months1+50%5p< 3.6×10−6