Table 2

 Radiological variables of the lesions seen in patients with multiple acute lacunar infarcts on diffusion weighted imaging, T2 weighted imaging, and gradient echo imaging

Acute small subcortical infarcts (n)State of index lesionCRC*Other small infarcts†Acute cortical infarctsFazekas WML scoreMicro-haemorrhageOld small subcortical infarcts (on T2)Old cortical infarcts (on T2)
*Clinical–radiological concordance.
†Location of other acute small subcortical infarcts.
B/L, bilateral; BST, brain stem; CS, centrum semiovale; DWI, diffusion weighted imaging; FPCS, fronto-parietal centrum semiovale; GRE, gradient echo; I/C, intracranial; L, left; R, right; Thal, thalamus; T2W, T2 weighted; +, positive; −, negative.
13L CS+R, BST01204-5 B/L0
22L CS+R1(R)33342 B/L1
32R Thal+R FPCS02111(R)0
42R (BST)+R (CS)011000
54L CS+L+R02302–3 B/L0
62L CSR0212 (also 1 old I/C bleed)00
72L CS+L0121130
86L CSL+R02103 B/L0
93R CS+R1(R)21001
102L CS+L022No GRE done00