Table 1

 Elgibility criteria, mild cognitice impairment inclusion criteria, and exclusion criteria for depression and vascular comorbidity

StudyEligibility criteria*MCI inclusion criteriaExclusion criteria
Age (years)MMSE scoreOtherFunctional impairmentTest impairmentDepressionVascular
*All studies required that the subject was not demented at baseline.
†Scale or test was not used in the Maastricht Memory Clinic. An equivalent scale or test was used if possible as described in the text.
BDRS, Blessed dementia rating scale; CDR, clinical demetia rating scale; Edu, years of education; GDS, geriatric depression scale; HDRS, Hamilton depression rating scale; LM-A, delayed recall score of story A from the logical memory test of the Wechsler memory scale; LM, logical memory test from the Wechsler memory scale–revised; m-HIS, modified Hachinski ischaemic scale; MMSE, mini-mental state examination; NYU, New York University paragraph recall.
Gal-Int-11>50CDR 0.5†NYU <11†Moderately severe depression
InDDEx55 to 85CDR 0.5†NYU <9†HDRS >12; HDRS item 1>1; DSM-IV major depressionm-HIS>4
ADCS-MIS55 to 90>23CDR 0.5†Edu <8: LM-A <3†HDRS >12m-HIS>4
Edu 8–15: LM-A <5†
Edu >15: LM-A <9†
Ampakine55 to 80>24CDR 0.5†Edu <8: LM-A <5†GDS >6†m-HIS>4
Edu 8–15: LM-A <8†
Edu >15: LM-A <13†
Piracetam50 to 90Score of at least one point above the lowest possible score on 7 of 8 tests from a cognitive battery†CDR 0.5†LM immediate recall <10 or difference immediate and delayed recall LM >5†HDRS >17†
Rofecoxib>65>23BDRS: score <4 on sum items 1–12 and score on first 8 items all <1CDR 0.5†RAVLT summed immediate recall < 38HDRS >12m-HIS>4