Table 1

 Demography and baseline characteristics

All patients (n = 34)Placebo (n = 17)Active (n = 17)
*Data shown as median (interquartile range); †body mass index. LACS, lacunar syndromes; PACS, partial anterior circulation syndrome; POCS, posterior circulation syndrome; TACS, total anterior circulation syndromes.
    Age*, years72 (61 to 77)74 (62 to 78)71 (56 to 78)
        <70 years15 (44%)8 (47%)7 (41%)
        ⩾70 years19 (56%)9 (53%)10 (59%)
    Male17 (50%)7 (41%)10 (59%)
    White32 (94%)17 (100%)15 (88%)
    BMI† (kg/m2) mean (SD)26 (3)26 (4)26 (3)
Test treatment initiation
    Onset to treatment*3.6 (2.8 to 5.0)3.6 (2.6 to 4.9)3.6 (2.8 to 5.0)
        <4 hours19 (56%)10 (59%)9 (53%)
        ⩾4 hours15 (44%)7 (41%)8 (47%)
Pre-stroke disability
    BI*100 (100 to 100)100 (100 to 100)100 (100 to 100)
    MRS*0 (0 to 1)0 (0 to 1)0 (0 to 1)
Stroke severity and subtype
    Baseline NIHSS score*13 (11 to 18)13 (11 to 18)13 (10 to 19)
        4–96 (17.6%)3 (17.6%)3 (17.6%)
        10–2023 (67.6%)12 (70.6%)11 (64.7%)
        ⩾215 (14.7%)2 (11.8%)3 (17.6%)
    Ischaemic29 (85.3%)17 (100%)12 (70.6%)
OCSP classification
        TACS15 (44.1%)10 (58.8%)5 (29.4%)
        PACS9 (26.5%)4 (23.5%)5 (29.4%)
        LACS4 (11.8%)2 (11.8%)2 (11.8%)
        POCS1 (2.9%)1 (5.9%)0 (0%)
        PICH5 (14.7%)0 (0%)5 (29.4%)
Risk factors
    Atrial fibrillation6 (17.6%)3 (17.6%)3 (17.6%)
    Hypertension18 (52.9%)9 (52.9%)9 (52.9%)
    Diabetes mellitus2 (5.9%)0 (0%)2 (11.8%)
    Current smoker12 (35.3%)7 (41.2%)5 (29.4%)
    Ex-smoker6 (17.6%)2 (11.8%)4 (23.5%)
    Total cholesterol* (mmol/l)5.4 (4.6 to 6.1)5.4 (4.9 to 6.1)5.2 (4.6 to 6.0)
    Previous stroke/TIA6 (17.6%)4 (23.5%)2 (11.8%)
    Ischaemic heart disease9 (26.5%)4 (23.5%)5 (29.4%)