Table 4

Paraneoplastic autoantibodies (PNAs), relevant autoantigens, characteristic staining patterns, and associated paraneoplastic neuronal disorders (PNDs) and tumours

PNANeuronal auto antigen(s)Immunocytochemical staining patternPNDTumour
ACh, acetylcholine; BE, brainstem encephalitis; CNS, central nervous system; LE, limbic encephalitis; LEMS, Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome; MG, myasthenia gravis; PCD, paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration; PEM, paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis; PNA, paraneoplastic neuronal autoantibody; PND, paraneoplastic neurological disorder; POM, paraneoplastic opsoclonus–myoclonus; PSN, paraneoplastic sensory neuronopathy; SCLC, small cell lung carcinoma; SPS, stiff person syndrome.
Anti-Hu (ANNA-1)35–40 kDa neuron specific RNA binding proteinsAll neuronal nuclei including myenteric plexus, weaker cytoplasmic stainingPEM, PCD, PSNSCLC, other carcinomas
Anti-Ri (ANNA-2)55 and 80 kDa RNA neuronal binding proteinAll CNS neuronal nuclei with nucleolar sparing, not DRG neurones (in contrast to Hu)POM, PCD, BE,Breast, SCLC, gynaecological
ANNA-3170 kDaPurkinje-cell cytoplasm and nucleus; renal glomerular podocytesLE, PCD, PSNSCLC, oesophageal
Anti-Yo (PCA-1)34 and 62 kDa DNA binding, gene transcription regulatorsPurkinje cell cytoplasm and axonsPCD, peripheral neuropathy (rare)Breast and gynaecological, oesophageal
Anti-PCA 2280 kDaPurkinje-cell cytoplasm and other neuronesPEM, PCD, LEMSSCLC
Anti-Ma 140 kDaNucleusBE, PCDLung cancer
Anti-Ma 2 (Ta)41.5 kDaNucleus, perikaryonLE, BETesticular cancer
Anti-TrUnknown antigenPurkinje cell cytoplasm, fine granular staining in molecular layer; all nuclei of CNSPCDHodgkin’s disease
Anti-mGluR1Metabotropic glutamate receptorPurkinje cell cytoplasm, climbing fibresPCDHodgkin’s disease
Anti-amphiphysin128 kDa synaptic vesicle proteinPresynaptic nerve terminals of CNSSPS, PEMBreast, SCLC
Anti-VGKCVoltage gated potassium channelPeripheral nerveNeuromyotoniaThymoma, SCLC
Anti-VGCC64 kDa P/Q voltage gated calcium channelPre-synaptic neuromuscular junctionLEMS, PCDSCLC
Anti-ACh RACh receptorPost-synaptic neuromuscular junctionMGThymoma