Table 1

 Characteristics of the cohort

Characteristic (number missing data)Respondents, n (%)Non-respondents, n (%)p Value
2; †Mann Whitney U.
BMI, body mass index; SD, standard deviation.
Total503 (44%)644 (56%)
Female332 (66%)352 (55%)<0.005*
Age, median (IQ range)43 (31–55)34.5 (24–45)<0.005†
BMI, median (range)25.7 (16.2–43.7)
Previous neck pain89 (17.7%)
Current smoker (7)101 (20.1%)
Married362 (72%)
Occupation (17)
    Unemployed or housewife44 (8.7%)
    Unskilled120 (23.9%)
    Semi-skilled185 (36.8%)
    Skilled61 (15.1%)
    Professional or managerial76 (15.1%)
Visited casualty330 (65.6%)
Visited GP364 (72.4%)
Car size (4)
    Mini173 (34.7%)
    Small174 (34.9%)
    Large152 (30.5%)
Headrest present460 (91.5%)
Correct headrest position (111)197 (39.2%)
Aware of collision121 (24.1%)
Head turned156 (31%)
Struck car driveable314 (62.4%)
Striking car driveable310 (61.6%)
Struck car stationary399 (79.3%)
Striking speed, mph (23), mean (SD)28.8 (12.1)