Table 5

 Potential predictors of late whiplash

Characteristic (number missing data)No late whiplashLate whiplashp Value
Number (%)Number (%)
2; †Mann Whitney U; ‡Student’s t test.
BMI, body mass index.
Total number151 (48%)164 (52%)
Female100 (66.2%)119 (72.6%)0.222*
Age, mean (SD)41.9 (15.9)43.8 (14.2)0.293‡
BMI, median (IQ range)26.1 (23.1–29.1)25.7 (22.5–28.9)0.660†
Previous neck pain27 (17.9%)43 (26.2%)0.075*
Current smoker (5)27 (18.1%)26 22.4%)0.354*
Married111 (72.8%)118 (72%)0.859*
Seeking compensation81 (53.6%)155 (94.5%)<0.005*
Occupation (10)0.800*
    Unemployed or unskilled47 (32%)54 (34.2%)
    Semi-skilled or skilled78 (53%)82 (51.9%)
    Professional or managerial22 (15%)22 (13.9%)
Car size0.073*
    Mini61 (40.4%)47 (28.7%)
    Small51 (33.8%)61 (37.2%)
    Large39 (25.8%)56 (34.1%)
Aware of collision39 (25.8%)41 (25%)0.866*
Head turned45 (29.8%)62 (37.8%)0.134*
Struck car driveable93 (61.6%)107 (65.2%)0.501*
Striking car driveable85 (56.3%)110 (67.1%)0.049*
Struck car stationary134 (88.7%)132 (80.5%)0.043*
Striking speed (12), mean (SD)30.1 (12.5)29 (11.6)0.420‡
Initial days of pain/week, mean (SD)2.6 (2.8)5.3 (2.1)<0.005‡
Initial neck VAS score, median (IQ range)18 (2–34)44 (27.3–60.8)<0.005†
Initial headache52 (34.4%)111 (67.7%)<0.005*
Initial arm pain27 (17.9%)81 (49.4%)<0.005*
Initial low back pain42 (27.8%)54 (32.9%)0.325
Initial concentration problems48 (31.8%)73 (44.5%)0.020*
Initial memory problems25 (16.6%)42 (25.6%)0.050*
Initial dizzyness32 (21.2%)44 (26.8%)0.243*