Table 2

 Differences in cognitive test performances between patients with and without progressive vascular brain damage 1 month and 2 years post stroke

Progressive vascular brain damage,mean (SD)(n = 23)No progressive vascular brain damage,mean (SD)(n = 78)
1, 1 month post stroke; 2, 2 years post stroke.
*p<0.05; †number of words reported; ‡seconds needed to complete the task; §number of correct responses.
Memory 1†22.1 (6.9)26.7 (7.6) *
Memory 2†23.7 (7.9)29.3 (8.1)*
Executive 1‡61.1 (34.4)47.2 (30.7)
Executive 2‡58.0 (38.1)38.2 (21.3)*
Mental speed 1‡46.4 (12.0)46.1 (18.1)
Mental speed 2‡46.1 (10.5)39.7 (12.3)*
Calculation 1§7.7 (5.3)8.7 (3.9)
Calculation 2§8.6 (5.3)9.8 (3.5)
Visuospatial 1§6.9 (3.9)8.4 (3.7)
Visuospatial 2§7.5 (3.6)8.9 (4.3)
Orientation 1§9.3 (0.7)9.2 (0.9)
Orientation 2§9.3 (0.8)9.5 (1.0)
Attention 1§7.5 (1.6)7.8 (1.7)
Attention 2§7.7 (2.0)7.8 (1.7)
Praxis 1§9.6 (1.9)10.4 (1.9)
Praxis 2§10.3 (1.6)11.0 (1.3)*
Language 1§25.2 (2.7)25.5 (3.0)
Language 2§25.7 (2.5)25.8 (3.0)
Abstract reasoning 1§12.4 (2.4)13.6 (2.3)*
Abstract reasoning 2§13.5 (2.4)14.4 (2.1)
CAMCOG 1§85.5 (8.0)88.2 (9.6)
CAMCOG 2§88.4 (8.4)91.4 (9.9)
MMSE 1§25.9 (2.8)26.6 (3.1)
MMSE 2§26.0 (3.1)26.8 (3.1)