Table 2

 Statistical indices of predictiveness of overestimation of current ability on a set of bimanual and bipedal tasks for consistent bimanual and bipedal overestimation

TasksSensitivity (%)Specificity (%)PPV (%)NPV (%)Accuracy (%)Discriminability (d′)
Sensitivity (of Q to O): the proportion of consistent overestimators (O+) who overestimate task Q, that is, P(Q+|O+). Another name for this is the hit rate or true positive rate.
Specificity (of Q for O): the proportion of patients that are not consistent overestimators who do not overestimate on Q, P(Q−|O−). It is equal to 1 minus the false alarm rate of Q, that is, P(Q+|O−). Another name for specificity is the true negative rate.
PPV: the positive predictive value of Q for O. This is the proportion of patients that overestimate task Q who would be correctly identified as O+ on the basis of observing Q+, that is, P(O+|Q+).
NPV: the negative predictive value of Q for O. This is the proportion of patients that do not overestimate task Q who are not consistent overestimators, that is, P(O−|Q−).
Accuracy: the predictive accuracy of Q for O. This is the proportion of patients for which the outcome of Q matches the state of O, that is, the proportion that are correctly classified by Q with respect to O.
Discriminability: D-prime (d′), the classical signal detection theory index of detectability. It estimates how far the O− and O+ patients are separated on the basis of Q− and Q+.
Prevalence: the proportion of patients who are consistent overestimators, that is, P(O+).
Consistent bimanual overestimation (prevalence 52.4%) as predicted by:Tie a knot?95.585.087.594.490.52.49
Clap hands?77.390.089.578.383.31.89
Shuffle cards?66.710010073.182.52.42
Row a boat?
Catch a ball?10040.064.710071.41.96
Wash hands?10055.071.010078.62.27
Unscrew bottle?81.890.090.081.885.72.04
Cut bread?90.960.071.485.776.21.51
Consistent bipedal overestimation (prevalence 11.9%) as predicted by:Ride a bicycle?60.070.321.492.969.00.64
Climb a ladder?