Table 2

 Demographic, surgical, and baseline neuropsychological data for patients and control subjects

VariableGroupCritical value
Controls (n = 50), mean (SD)CABG (n = 85), mean (SD)
BNT, Boston Naming Test (max = 60); COWAT, Controlled Oral Word Association Test; CPB time, cardiopulmonary bypass time; CVLT, California Verbal Learning Test; DSym, Digit Symbol subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (raw score); FSIQ, predicted Full Scale IQ (National Adult Reading Test-Revised); ICU stay, postoperative hours spent in intensive care unit; MCPP, mean cerebral perfusion pressure; Mflow, mean blood flow rate; PegsRL, Purdue Pegboard (number of pegs placed with right and left hands simultaneously); SD, standard deviation; %SDFR, short delay free recall [(SDFR/trial 5)×100]; TMT B/A, Trail Making Test (seconds taken to complete part B/seconds taken to complete part A).
Continuous data analysed using independent groups t tests (two tailed), df = 133; categoric data analysed using χ2 test, df = 1.
    Age (years)68.0 (7.9)65.0 (9.3)t = −1.88
    Education (years)10.2 (1.7)10.2 (2.8)t = 0.06
    Sex (% male/female)68.0/32.077.6/22.4χ2 = 1.53
    Grafts2.4 (0.8)
    CPB time (min)43.0 (15.6)
    MCPP (mm Hg)42.0 (5.6)
    Mflow (l/min)3.8 (0.4)
    Perfusionist interventions5.7 (2.9)
    ICU stay (h)32.3 (19.7)
    Predicted FSIQ102.5 (9.3)101.4 (8.8)t = −0.67
    CVLT %SDFR80.8 (15.8)83.6 (19.6)t = 0.39
    CVLT recognition14.3 (1.8)14.3 (1.9)t = 0.92
    BNT55.1 (4.1)55.3 (3.7)t = 0.11
    TMT B/A2.5 (0.6)2.7 (1.1)t = 0.97
    COWAT36.5 (11.5)36.0 (9.1)t = −0.28
    DSym42.4 (8.8)39.2 (10.3)t = 0.07
    PegsRL9.9 (1.9)9.3 (2.1)t = −1.78
    Depression3.1 (5.0)5.2 (6.7)t = 1.98
    Anxiety3.3 (4.6)6.6 (7.1)t = 3.20*
    Stress6.3 (6.6)9.2 (8.8)t = 1.97