Table 5

 Preoperative medical and cardiac surgical characteristics of CABG surgery cluster subtypes

VariableCluster subgroupCritical value*
Memory spared (n = 41)Retrieval deficit (n = 30)Encoding deficit (n = 14)
CCS score, Canadian Cardiovascular Society score (n = 73); CPB time, cardiopulmonary bypass time; diabetes, n = 79; hypertension, n = 79; Interventions, number of perfusionist interventions; LVF, left ventricular function (n = 75); MCPP, mean cerebral perfusion pressure; Mflow, mean blood flow rate; Rhythm, spontaneous return to sinus rhythm.
χ2 test (asymptotic two sided), df = 2 (except LVF df = 4). All other comparisons one way ANOVA F(2, 82), except MAP F(2, 73) and ICU stay F(2, 80).
*All p>0.05.
    Hypertension (yes/no)16/2114/159/42.62
    Diabetes (yes/no)7/305/242/110.90
    LVF (normal/altered/poor)21/9/518/7/19/5/03.98
    CCS score (⩽2/⩾3)13/1915/138/51.95
    Grafts2.4 (0.7)2.3 (0.8)2.6 (1.0)0.61
    Cross clamp time (min)23.2 (9.0)22.4 (7.9)26.1 (9.7)0.84
    CPB time (min)42.8 (15.5)41.9 (15.2)45.7 (17.5)0.28
    MCCP (mm Hg)42.4 (6.2)42.5 (4.5)39.9 (5.4)1.30
    Mflow (l/min)3.8 (0.4)3.8 (0.4)3.9 (0.5)0.36
    Interventions5.7 (2.8)4.9 (2.2)7.1 (4.1)2.96
    Rhythm (yes/no)29/1224/611/31.03
    ICU stay (h)31.4 (16.1)32.7 (23.0)34.4 (22.9)0.13