Table 4 Neuropathological diagnosis and diagnostic criteria
Case NoEPF at time of scanClinical diagnosisNeuropathological diagnosisBraak stageNeocortical NFT stage*CERAD scoreAD diagnosis by CERAD criteriaAD diagnosis by NIA-RI criteriaCategory of LB pathology by Consensus criteria - 2003Probability: dementia due to LB pathology by Consensus criteria - 2005
1ADMixed DLB, AD and HiScl5ModerateModerateProbableNApNeocorticalIntermediate
4+DLBMixed DLB and AD in MTL and SVD4NSModerateProbableIntermediateNeocortical – severeHigh
5+CBDMixed DLB and AD6SignificantFrequentDefiniteHigh likelihoodNeocorticalIntermediate
6DLBDLB2NoneSparsePossibleLow likelihoodNeocorticalHigh
7+DLBDLB and focal vascular pathology2NoneNoneNormal-1cNoneNeocorticalHigh
8+DLBDLB1NSnoneNormal-1cNApNeocortical – severeHigh
9ADAD and focal SVD and severe Purkinje cell loss6SignificantFrequentDefiniteHigh likelihoodNoneNone
10ADAD and focal vasculopathy and occipital microinfarct5ModerateFrequentDefiniteHigh likelihoodNoneNone
11+DLBMixed AD and CAA and haemorrhagic infarcts5ModerateFrequentDefiniteHigh likelihoodNoneNone
12DLBAD and mild SVD6SignificantFrequentDefiniteHigh likelihoodNoneNone
13+DLBCBD variant - non-tau balloon cell degeneration and subcortical tangle disease2NoneModerateProbableNApNoneNone
14+DLBAD5?FrequentDefiniteHigh likelihoodNoneNone
15ADMinimal neuropathology: focal SVD and mild LB pathology and focal cortical lesions1NoneNoneNormal-1cNApBrainstemLow
16ADAD and HiScl and focal SVD6SignificantFrequentDefiniteHigh likelihoodNoneNone
17+DLBFTLD (DLDH) and HiScl and nigral degeneration0NoneNoneNormal-1cNoneNoneNone
18DLBAD5SignificantFrequentDefiniteHigh likelihoodNoneNone
19+DLBMixed AD and CAA and focal vascular pathology6SignificantModerateProbableNApNoneNone
20ADMixed AD and SVD and multiple microinfarcts5ModerateFrequentDefiniteHigh likelihoodNoneNone
  • AD, Alzheimer’s disease; CAA, cerebral amyloid angiopathy; CBD, cortico-basal degeneration; CERAD, Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease; DLDH, dementia lacking distinctive histology; DLB, dementia with Lewy bodies; EPF, extrapyramidal features; FTLD, frontotemporal lobar degeneration; HiScl, hippocampal sclerosis; LB, Lewy body; MTL, medial temporal lobe; NAp, not applicable; NFT, neurofibrillary tangle; NIA-RI, National Institute on Aging and Reagan Institute; NS, not significant; SVD, small vessel disease.

  • *Newcastle and Helsinki criteria.