Table 1

 Prognostic factors of early death after severe head injury: summary of univariate analysis for patients in the derivation set

VariableNo (%) of patients (n = 652)
Dead within the first 48 h (n = 114)Remaining patients (n = 538)OR (95% CI)p Value
GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; IVH, intraventricular haemorrhage; SAH, subarachnoid haemorrhage; —, data not applicable.
*Reference categories.
†Fisher’s exact test.
Age (years)
    6519 (34.5)36 (65.5)3.12 (1.54 to 6.32)<0.001
    55–647 (13.2)46 (86.8)0.90 (0.34 to 2.28)0.81
    45–549 (14.5)53 (85.5)1.01 (0.42 to 2.33)0.99
    35–4415 (20.0)60 (80.0)1.48 (0.72 to 3.01)0.25
    25–3427 (17.9)124 (82.1)1.29 (0.72 to 2.29)0.36
    15–24*37 (14.5)219 (85.5)1
Total GCS score
    362 (64.6)34 (35.4)67.5 (14.9 to 424)<0.001
    431 (26.7)85 (73.3)13.5 (2.99 to 84.5)<0.001
    513 (12.0)95 (88.0)5.06 (1.04 to 33.6)0.02
    63 (2.7)110 (97.3)1.01 (0.13 to 8.87)1.00†
    73 (2.1)140 (97.9)0.79 (0.10 to 6.95)1.00†
    8*2 (2.6)74 (97.4)1
    Low106 (33.1)214 (66.9)20.1 (9.24 to 45.4)<0.001
    High*8 (2.4)324 (97.6)1
Motor GCS score
    162 (64.6)34 (35.4)74.0 (26.1 to 227)<0.001
    231 (26.7)85 (73.3)14.8 (5.25 to 45.0)<0.001
    313 (11.8)97 (88.2)5.44 (1.74 to 18.1)<0.001
    43 (2.5)119 (97.5)1.02 (0.19 to 5.02)1.00†
    5*5 (2.4)203 (97.6)1
Motor GCS score
    Low106 (32.9)216 (67.1)19.8 (9.10 to 44.7)<0.001
    High*8 (2.4)322 (97.6)1
    Non-reactive bilateral mydriasis80 (62.0)49 (38.0)37.8 (18.4 to 79.3)<0.001
    Non-reactive unilateral mydriasis20 (9.5)190 (90.5)2.44 (1.11 to 5.44)0.02
    Unknown2 (8.7)21 (91.3)2.21 (0.00 to 11.5)0.27†
    Not “pathological”*12 (4.1)278 (95.9)1
    Yes2 (4.5)42 (95.5)0.21 (0.03 to 0.91)0.02
    No*112 (18.4)496 (81.6)1
    Yes82 (33.3)164 (66.7)5.84 (3.65 to 9.38)<0.001
    No*32 (7.9)374 (92.1)1
    Yes59 (28.0)152 (72.0)2.72 (1.77 to 4.20)<0.001
    No*55 (12.5)386 (87.5)1
Urgent extracranial surgery
    Yes14 (35.0)26 (65.0)2.76 (1.32 to 5.72)0.003
    No*100 (16.3)512 (83.7)1
    Unknown29 (60.4)19 (39.6)19.2 (7.66 to 49.0)<0.001
    Yes74 (16.3)381 (83.7)2.44 (1.21 to 5.01)0.007
    No*11 (7.4)138 (92.6)1
    Unknown28 (57.1)21 (42.9)34.4 (11.8 to 106)<0.001
    Yes80 (18.1)362 (81.9)5.71 (2.34 to 14.9)<0.001
    No*6 (3.7)155 (96.3)1
Type of traumatic lesion
    VI13 (76.5)4 (23.5)150 (30.6 to 856)<0.001†
    V43 (18.2)193 (81.8)10.3 (3.81 to 30.2)<0.001
    IV12 (50.0)12 (50.0)46.2 (12.4 to 184)<0.001†
    III41 (29.5)98 (70.5)19.3 (7.04 to 57.5)<0.001
    II*5 (2.3)210 (97.7)1
    I*0 (0)21 (100)1
Epidural haematoma
    Yes5 (5.7)83 (94.3)0.25 (0.09 to 0.66)0.002
    No*109 (19.3)455 (80.7)1
Subdural haematoma
    Yes66 (27.2)177 (72.8)2.80 (1.82 to 4.33)<0.001
    No*48 (11.7)361 (88.3)1
Focal brain contusion
    Yes17 (11.8)127 (88.2)0.57 (0.31 to 1.01)0.04
    No*97 (19.1)411 (80.9)1
    Yes46 (38.3)74 (61.7)4.24 (2.65 to 6.80)<0.001
    No*68 (12.8)464 (87.2)1
    Yes54 (27.7)141 (72.3)2.53 (1.64 to 3.92)<0.001
    No*60 (13.1)397 (86.9)1
Brain swelling
    Yes109 (27.2)292 (72.8)18.4 (7.09 to 51.9)< 0.001
    No*5 (2.0)246 (98.0)1
Cerebral ischaemia
    Yes109 (27.2)292 (72.8)18.4 (7.09 to 51.9)<0.001
    Yes26 (59.1)18 (40.9)8.54 (4.30 to 17.0)<0.001
Basal cisterns compressed
    Yes109 (27.2)292 (72.8)18.4 (7.09 to 51.9)<0.001
    No*5 (2.0)246 (98.0)1
Midline shift
    Yes57 (30.2)132 (69.8)3.08 (1.99 to 4.76)<0.001
    No*57 (12.3)406 (87.7)1
Lesion volume >25 ml
    Yes42 (30.2)97 (69.8)2.65 (1.67 to 4.21)<0.001
    No*72 (14.0)441 (86.0)1