Table 3 Means (SDs) and effect size for group differences on the amnesia tests at the research assessment in descending order
Variable (possible score range)mTBI participants (n = 79)Control participants (n = 86)p Valued
R-WPTAS (0–12)10.8 (1.4)11.9 (0.4)0.001*1.07
GOAT (0–100)96.2 (4.2)98.9 (2.4)0.001*0.79
  • p Values are from a MANOVA, controlling for blood alcohol level, morphine administration and history of brain injury. Cohen’s d was calculated from means (SDs).25

  • *Significant at α = 0.5.

  • GOAT, Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test; R-WPTAS, Revised Westmead PTA Scale (Glasgow Coma Scale’s Best Verbal Response Questions and Westmead PTA Scale items).